Cap Tourmente National Wildlife Area — Ducks Unlimited Canada Skip to main content

Cap Tourmente National Wildlife Area

Cap Tourmente National Wildlife Area
Observe nature and learn about wetlands at a DUC project or wetland interpretive centre. © DUC

The Cap Tourmente National Wildlife Area on the St. Lawrence River near Quebec City attracts migrating birds by the thousands.

Recognized in 1981 as a wetland of international importance, Cap Tourmente is renowned for its spectacular flocks of thousands of Snow Geese in spring and fall and is home to nearly 300 bird species, 45 mammal species, 22 forest stands, and 700 plant species.

Ducks Unlimited Canada began preserving wildlife habitats in the area in the 1970s and has since created several new marshes.

These new, watery habitats provide crucial shelter, food, and rest for wetland wildlife—amphibians, reptiles, birds, and aquatic mammals.

Cap Tourmente is a veritable haven of biodiversity and a popular waterfowl observation site.