Sea Level Rise — Ducks Unlimited Canada Skip to main content

Sea Level Rise

Sea level rise is a real and imminent threat to our nation’s coasts.
Our conservation work can help.

We wade into Canada’s rising challenge

Coastal wetlands and salt marshes are nature’s defence system against sea-level rise.

They reduce coastal energy by lowering the amplitude and speed of ocean waves and they mitigate storm damage. They also shield coastlines from erosion. Salt marshes are nature’s filtration system, intercepting pollution and providing clean water. When coastal wetlands are lost, so too are these critical services – and this has serious consequences for the waterfowl, wildlife, and people who call these places home.

So, if we are the principal ambassadors and champions of wetlands, then we’re also part of mitigating our country’s challenges with sea-level rise.

Everything you wanted to know
about sea-level rise and wetlands at a glance

Download our infographic

updated 19/11/20

Conservator Feature

Sea-level rise is a real and imminent threat to our nation’s coasts. We wade into our country’s coastal challenge.

According to Canada’s Bedford Institute of Oceanography, sea levels will rise quickly during the 21st century. Projections range from a modest 26 centimetres to one full metre of rise by the year 2100.

See our impact

On the Pacific Coast

Management by measurement: Assessing the health of tidal marshes on B.C.’s West Coast

Management by measurement: Assessing the health of tidal marshes on B.C.’s West Coast

Assessing the health of tidal marshes on B.C.’s West Coast. What will it take to safeguard these essential environmental resources for the future?

Partnership stems the tide of sea-level rise on the Fraser River Delta

Partnership stems the tide of sea-level rise on the Fraser River Delta

Sea-level rise is no longer something discussed in the abstract. The science is settled. Ducks Unlimited Canada and the City of Richmond partner to protect the tidal wetland habitats.

See our impact

On the Atlantic Coast

Lessons in adaptation help address sea-level rise at Musquash Marsh

Lessons in adaptation help address sea-level rise at Musquash Marsh

How restoring a salt marsh helps to protect one of New Brunswick’s most important coastal ecosystems.

Rising Up: Saving Prince Edward Island from the threat of sea-level rise

Rising Up: Saving Prince Edward Island from the threat of sea-level rise

In Canada’s smallest province, DUC restores a salt marsh to slow erosion caused by rising seas.

Meet our experts and learn the lingo

Let our conservation specialists teach you about sea level rise

Emma Bocking explains the importance of restoration.

Eric Balke explains the value of eel grass video still.

Lee Millett explains subsidence on Canada’s coasts.

Eric Balke explains coastal squeeze.